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Season Three Membership Is Closed!

Forever Girlfriends RVA is a membership-based organization for business-oriented women from diverse backgrounds. Our members include entrepreneurs and professionals spanning various industries, such as beauty, event planning, corporate sectors, real estate, finance, technology, government, mental health, and healthcare. We are committed to making a meaningful community impact through volunteerism. Beyond that, we’ve cultivated a supportive sisterhood—a safe space where women uplift and empower each other.


Membership benefits include networking opportunities, access to resources, and a supportive sisterhood.

If you're interested in joining but don’t live in the Metro Richmond area, email to learn how to start a chapter in your city.



Are you all accepting new members? 

Currently, we are not accepting new members at this time. 


What are membership qualifications? 

To qualify for membership in Forever Girlfriends RVA you must be a woman aged 25 or older, reside in the Metro Richmond area, possess a positive professional track record, be committed to community service, and have a passion for connecting with like-minded women. 

Forever Girlfriends does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, ethnicity or any other protected class. 


How are new members selected? 

New members are selected through our application and interview process. 


Is membership invite-only? 

Any woman who meets our minimum qualifications is invited to apply for membership in Forever Girlfriends RVA. However, we reserve the right to evaluate our membership intake each season. 

Is there a membership fee? 

Yes, all members must pay yearly dues. 


Do you all have new members every year? 

The decision to welcome new members is determined by the needs of the organization. It is not guaranteed every year. 


Can formally active Girlfriends rejoin? 

Once a Girlfriend, always a Girlfriend. If you are looking to reactivate your membership, email for more information. 


I am interested in becoming a member but you all are not accepting members at this time. What should I do? 

We’d love to see you at our public events! We are always looking for volunteers. If you are a business owner and think there’s an opportunity for us to collaborate, please reach out! 


Do you all have chapters in other cities? 

At this time we do not have chapters in other cities. If you are interested in starting a chapter in your city please contact us at

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